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What is Calm Little Minds?

Calm Little Minds is a company dedicated to promoting the well-being of children and parents through a range of digital resources. We offer educational materials and tools that help enhance emotional intelligence, mental health, and overall family harmony.

How can I access Calm Little Mind's digital resources?

Our digital resources are accessible online through our website. Simply browse our collection and select the resources that best suit your family's needs.

Are these recourses suitable for all age groups?

Yes, our resources are designed to cater to a wide range of age groups. We have materials suitable for toddlers, school-aged children, and even tweens and teenagers. You can choose resources that match your child's developmental stage.

What topics do your resources cover?

Our resources cover a variety of topics including emotional intelligence, mindfulness, educational activities, and tools for building resilience in children. We're committed to helping parents and children thrive in all aspects of well-being.

Can I share my digital purchase with a friend or family member?

Each listing comes with a personal use-only license. We'd respectfully ask that you direct others to our shop to purchase items that you've enjoyed and recommend. There are financial and time implications involved in creating our resources and maintaining/running our shop, so we appreciate our customer’s cooperation as it helps to protect our copyright and support for our small business.

Where can I print digital purchases?

You can print your files at home. If you do so, we recommend you set your printer to high-quality print settings and use the highest quality paper or card that your printer can accommodate. We also find that setting the printer to the 'matt paper' option can often have the best screen to print color match. Alternatively, you could use a local or online printer service. If you have problems printing at home, please contact us. We cannot be held responsible for issues with your printer, but your experience is important to us, and we will try and help you if we can!

Do you sell products in bulk?

Yes! We are open to discussing discounted rates on bulk purchases. Please kindly get in touch with our team to get a quote.

I want to stock a Calm Little Minds product in our store(s)/school. How do I get in touch?

We would love to discuss stocking Calm Little Minds products in your store/school(s). Please contact us to discuss further at

What if I have questions or need support with using the resources?

We're here to help! Feel free to contact our customer support team, and we'll be happy to assist you with any questions or issues you may have at

If I buy something from will I be added to your email list?

Yes, your email address is added to our mailing list when purchasing from Calm Little Minds. You can opt out at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter.

How can teachers benefit from Calm Little Minds' resources?

Teachers can benefit from our resources by using them to enhance classroom activities, promote social-emotional learning, and support students' well-being. Our materials can be valuable additions to educational curricula.

How can counselors and therapists use Calm Little Minds' resources in their practice?

Counselors and therapists can integrate our resources into their therapy sessions to help children and parents develop emotional intelligence, coping skills, and resilience. Our materials can be a valuable complement to their therapeutic practices.